職人 Daniel Gomes Vargas

Curriculum Vitæ


I’m from São Paulo, living in Curitiba 🌳, Brazil.
I’ve more than 18 years of professional experience in software development, working remotely async with small teams since 2012.

english level: professional working proficiency (certified as CEFR C2).

hobbies: reading, piano, walking.

not interested: corp bullshit 💩, too many meetings, move to another country.

Tech. Skills


  • Profissional experience: Golang, PostgreSQL, Redis, AWS, GCP, Kafka, Docker, Git, Prometheus, Codacy, Sentry, Github Actions, Newrelic, Linux.

  • Familiar: Zig, Rust, Lua, Flutter, Javascript, C, Jenkins, Travis, Terraform, Kubernetes, Blockchain, WebRTC, OpenBSD, FreeBSD, Windows Server, Nanovms.

  • Interests: Web3, communications protocols and distributed systems.

Work Experience

  • Jun 2023 - present
    Landell Labs
    Founder (Golang, Flutter, VUE.js)

    After a deserved sabbatical time I decided to start my own company to develop and run some ideas from the last years.

  • Aug 2018 - Oct 2022:
    Sr Software Engineer (Golang, PostgreSQL, AWS, GCP)

    Was conviced to come back by the CTO and help the company achieve the dream of became a merchant acquirer (from payment processor and later the first licensed crypto firm in Brazil).
    • Experienced the exponential growth and saw the company goes from 20 people to 400 in couple years, after receive the largest B series investment in Brazil at time and be valued in $2.15bi after C series.
    • Worked as Lead SRE and Lead Cloud Security Engineer positions.
    • In charge of all infrastructure compliance of PCI-DSS during three years.
    • Planned and implemented hybrid network topology across AWS, GCP and couple datacenters.
    • Responsible of development and operation of legacy payment gateway system with more than 100k client devices.
    • Finops, hardening of cloud assets, monitoring and troubleshooting on daily basis.
    • Support of teams pipelines and devs guidance.
    • Elaborated and maintained infrastructure compliance documentation and security awareness training (OWASP/PCI-DSS).
    • Burnout 🔥 after years accumulating functions and hiring issues during the pandemic.

  • Nov 2015 - Jun 2018
    Independent Contractor
    Software Developer (Golang, C, Elm)
    • Development of VoIP platform using FreeSWITCH.
    • Technical/Customer Support.

  • Nov 2013 - Oct 2015
    Backend Software Engineer (Golang, PostgreSQL, AWS)
    • Team lead.
    • Help the team on the development of cloud payment gateway.
    • Participated of the first PoC using Bitcoin on POS terminal with Coinbase integration.
    • Developed experimental CoAP implementation with observe support (draft-ietf-core-observe-12), abbandoned by operational reasons in favor of HTTP.
    • Development of time synchronization, notifications and software update systems for POS terminals using SNTP, GOSSIP and Bittorrent protocols respectively.

  • Oct 2011 - Oct 2013
    Software Developer
    Freelancer (Golang, Lua, PHP, nginx, MySQL, SQLite, C)
    • Development of API for mailing service using OpenResty.
    • Sysadmin of LAMP Servers.
    • Development of web interface for FreeSWITCH.
    • Development of Fax over IP service.

  • Jul 2010 - Aug 2011
    View Informática
    Software Developer (Delphi, Oracle)
    • Software analyst and developer for bank financial system products like leasing and bail at Volvo, HSBC and Case New Holland banks.
    • Help on the mainframe integration using IBM MQ/MI and other webservices like CRIVO for risk analysis.
    • Query optimizations on Oracle database.
    • Lead development team.
    • Implementation of SCM(Subversion) and development good practices.

  • Jul 2009 - Jul 2010
    Prime Software
    Software Developer (Java, JBOSS, SQLServer, Oracle)
    • Help to develop electronic timecard and access control systems using Java, JBOSS and Oracle/SQLServer databases and the conversion to the cloud.
    • Technical support of network infrastructure, VoIP and servers.
    • Development of secure VoIP system using FreeSWITCH and ZRTP/SRTP for encrypted calls.

  • May 2008 - Mar 2009
    Support Analyst (LAMP, Ruby, VoIP)
    • Sysadmin and technical support of network infrastructure, VoIP and Windows/UNIX-like servers.
    • Lead support staff.

  • Sep 2007 - May 2008
    View Informática
    Software Developer (Delphi, Oracle)
    • Software development of modules for financial banking systems at Case New Holland Bank and HSBC Bank.

  • Apr 2007 - Aug 2007
    Link Farma
    Webdeveloper (LAMP)
    • Web development of ERP and ecommerce systems.
    • Technical support of network infrastructure and development environment.

  • Jan 2006 - Mar 2007
    Henry Equipamentos
    Software Developer (Delphi/Kylix, VisualBasic, C)
    • Worked on electronic timecard and access control software.
    • Implementation of proprietary protocols and low-level analysis/testing.
    • Development of small SDK around a C library for biometric systems.
    • Development support to 3rd-party software integrators.


  • feedport (Golang, VUE.js): based on my YARR fork, minimalist feed reader with some other features support.
  • play.zig (Golang, Zig, JavaScript): playground to run, share and learn Zig code online (used by Zig by Example).

Legacy Projects

  • goapprtc (Golang): just rewritten in Go the WebRTC p2p reference app.
  • go-tour-br (Golang): official PT-BR Golang Tour translation.
  • go-vim (Golang, JavaScript): old Go Playground with vi-mode and highlighting support.
  • omg8583 (Golang): initial implementation to handle ISO-8583 messaging.


Bach. Elet.Eng., UNINTER (in progress)
Tech. Telecommunications, UTFPR (dropped)


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